The project
Our team finished another custom design of a lift table.
This time the project was dedicated to a company from the construction industry. A specially made hydraulic lift table will find its application in transporting the garbage containers from level – 1 to level 0.
The details of the project
The implementation included the delivery and assembly of the lift table. We also prepared the complete documentation for the Office of Technical Inspection (UDT.)
The main assumption of the investment was to install fixed barriers on the longer sides of the platform. Plus, we had to assemble moving barriers on the shorter sides of the platform.
All of the rails are 1100 mm high. In addition, the device has been equipped with a special electric unit that will allow the lift table to work between the levels. On level -1, an interlock was installed in the fire door.
Technical data
Lifting capacity 1 500 kg
Platform 1 720 x 1 080 (LxW)
Stroke 3 300 mm
Barrier fixed; on two longer sides; 1 100 mm tall